OSC Connectivity
Open Sound Control (OSC) is a modern networking protocol that allows different devices and software to communicate using human-readable messages. Unlike MIDI, which is limited to discrete values, OSC supports floating-point data, enabling more precise and dynamic control.
Blackout supports OSC 1.1, providing seamless integration with external devices for real-time communication. OSC messages follow a structured address pattern, making it easy to map functions directly to Blackout.
For more details on OSC, see the official specification: https://ccrma.stanford.edu/groups/osc/spec-1_0.html.
In the Link Status menu, tap on Connect to Device
and then navigate to the OSC Settings
menu. Here, you can configure the receiving port for OSC commands via UDP, as well as set up a direct connection for output OSC commands sent by Blackout. Currently, Blackout only supports OSC output for fader movements.
Key Commands
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
< | /blk/key/last | float(0 or 1) |
> | /blk/key/next | float(0 or 1) |
[Up Arrow with Circle] | /blk/key/last_command | float(0 or 1) |
[Apple Command Key] | /blk/key/command | float(0 or 1) |
INT | /blk/key/intensity | float(0 or 1) |
FOCUS | /blk/key/focus | float(0 or 1) |
COLOR | /blk/key/color | float(0 or 1) |
IF | /blk/key/if | float(0 or 1) |
BEAM | /blk/key/beam | float(0 or 1) |
SHUT | /blk/key/shutter | float(0 or 1) |
CTRL | /blk/key/control | float(0 or 1) |
PG + | /blk/key/page_plus | float(0 or 1) |
PG - | /blk/key/page_minus | float(0 or 1) |
Fader | /blk/key/fader | float(0 or 1) |
Group | /blk/key/group | float(0 or 1) |
Look | /blk/key/look | float(0 or 1) |
FX | /blk/key/effect | float(0 or 1) |
Fav | /blk/key/favorite | float(0 or 1) |
Macro | /blk/key/macro | float(0 or 1) |
Seq | /blk/key/sequence | float(0 or 1) |
Offset | /blk/key/offset | float(0 or 1) |
Swap | /blk/key/swap | float(0 or 1) |
Recall | /blk/key/recall | float(0 or 1) |
Copy | /blk/key/copy | float(0 or 1) |
CCT | /blk/key/custom_1 | float(0 or 1) |
Home | /blk/key/home | float(0 or 1) |
Rel | /blk/key/release | float(0 or 1) |
Time | /blk/key/time | float(0 or 1) |
Select | /blk/key/select | float(0 or 1) |
Align | /blk/key/align | float(0 or 1) |
Freeze | /blk/key/freeze | float(0 or 1) |
On | /blk/key/on | float(0 or 1) |
Update | /blk/key/update | float(0 or 1) |
Record | /blk/key/record | float(0 or 1) |
Go | /blk/key/go | float(0 or 1) |
+ | /blk/key/plus | float(0 or 1) |
- | /blk/key/minus | float(0 or 1) |
/ | /blk/key/slash | float(0 or 1) |
Thru | /blk/key/thru | float(0 or 1) |
. | /blk/key/dot | float(0 or 1) |
0 | /blk/key/0 | float(0 or 1) |
1 | /blk/key/1 | float(0 or 1) |
2 | /blk/key/2 | float(0 or 1) |
3 | /blk/key/3 | float(0 or 1) |
4 | /blk/key/4 | float(0 or 1) |
5 | /blk/key/5 | float(0 or 1) |
6 | /blk/key/6 | float(0 or 1) |
7 | /blk/key/7 | float(0 or 1) |
8 | /blk/key/8 | float(0 or 1) |
9 | /blk/key/9 | float(0 or 1) |
Out | /blk/key/out | float(0 or 1) |
Full | /blk/key/full | float(0 or 1) |
At | /blk/key/at | float(0 or 1) |
Enter | /blk/key/enter | float(0 or 1) |
FULL | /blk/key/flash_full | float(0 or 1) |
OUT | /blk/key/flash_out | float(0 or 1) |
Del | /blk/key/delete | float(0 or 1) |
CLEAR | /blk/key/clear | float(0 or 1) |
Sidebar Tabs
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
Group Sidebar Tab | /blk/sidebar/groups | float(0 or 1) |
Look Sidebar Tab | /blk/sidebar/looks | float(0 or 1) |
FX Sidebar Tab | /blk/sidebar/effects | float(0 or 1) |
Fixture Controls Sidebar Tab | /blk/key/fix_con | float(0 or 1) |
Fav Sidebar Tab | /blk/sidebar/favorites | float(0 or 1) |
Macro Sidebar Tab | /blk/sidebar/macros | float(0 or 1) |
Seq Sidebar Tab | /blk/sidebar/sequences | float(0 or 1) |
Bottom Navigation Tabs
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
Fixtures Tab | /blk/console/fixtures | float(0 or 1) |
Faders Tab | /blk/console/faders | float(0 or 1) |
LivePlot Tab | /blk/console/live-plot | float(0 or 1) |
Patch Tab | /blk/console/patch | float(0 or 1) |
Level Wheel Command
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
Level Wheel Level | /blk/fader/level_wheel | integer(0-255) |
Fader Commands
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
Global Fader Level | /blk/fader/global/:number/level | integer(0-255) |
Global Fader Load | /blk/fader/global/:number/load | float(0 or 1) |
Global Fader Action 1 | /blk/fader/global/:number/key_1 | float(0 or 1) |
Global Fader Action 2 | /blk/fader/global/:number/key_2 | float(0 or 1) |
Global Fader Action 3 | /blk/fader/global/:number/key_3 | float(0 or 1) |
Global Fader Action 4 | /blk/fader/global/:number/key_4 | float(0 or 1) |
Encoder Commands
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
Encoder 1 Button | /blk/encoder/global/:number/button | float(0 or 1) |
Encoder 1 | /blk/encoder/global/:number/level | CW: float(0–4), CCW: float(-4–0) |
Master Fader Commands
Description | OSC Path | Arguments |
Master Fader Button | /blk/fader/master/button | float(0 or 1) |
Master Fader Level | /blk/fader/master/level | integer(0–255) |